CATERPILLAR Ricambi 3126 - Serie Guarnizioni Motore
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- Camicia Cilindro
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- Cinghia
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- Compressore Aria
- Coppa Olio
- Corona Dentata
- Cuscinetto
- Elemento Filtrante
- Fascia Elastica
- Filtro Aria
- Filtro Gasolio
- Filtro Olio
- Gommino
- Guarnizione
- Guida Valvole
- Ingranaggi Distribuzione
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- Iniettore
- Kit Revisione Motore
- Kit Segmenti
- Manicotto
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- Paraolio
- Pistone
- Polverizzatore
- Pompa Acqua
- Pompa Idraulica
- Pompa Iniezione
- Pompa Olio
- Prigioniero
- Puleggia
- Punteria
- Refrigerante Olio
- Sede Valvola
- Semiconi
- Sensore
- Serie Guarnizioni Motore
- Serie Smeriglio
- Smorzatore Vibrazione
- Spallamento
- Termostato
- Testata Cilindro
- Tubo
- Turocompressore
- Valvola Aspirazione
- Valvola Scarico
- Ventola
- Volano

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Caterpillar 3126 Engine
The Caterpillar 3126 engine is a six-cylinder diesel engine designed for various applications, including commercial vehicles, buses, earthmoving machinery, and other light to medium-duty industrial vehicles. Here is some general information about the Caterpillar 3126 engine:
Engine Architecture:
The 3126 is an internal combustion diesel engine.
The displacement of the Caterpillar 3126 engine is approximately 7.2 liters.
Fuel Injection:
It uses an electronic fuel injection system.
Some variants of the 3126 are equipped with a turbocharger to improve combustion efficiency.
Cooling System:
It has a cooling system to maintain engine temperatures within acceptable limits during operation.
Electronic Control:
The 3126 engine is managed by an electronic control system, regulating various operational parameters to optimize performance.
The Caterpillar 3126 has been used in a wide range of vehicles and equipment, including trucks, construction vehicles, buses, and medium-duty industrial vehicles.
Depending on specifications and applications, some versions of the engine may be equipped with emission reduction systems to comply with environmental standards.
Power and Torque:
Power and torque can vary based on different engine variants and specific applications. Power is generally expressed in horsepower (HP) or kilowatts (kW), while torque is measured in Newton-meters (Nm).