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DAF 825 - Hose

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DAF 825


The DAF 825 is likely equipped with a heavy-duty diesel engine designed for various applications. The engine power can vary depending on the specific model and operator requirements.


The transmission can be either automatic or manual, providing flexibility based on operator preferences and application needs.


The DAF 825 cab is designed to maximize driver comfort. Different cab configurations may be available, such as day cabs, sleeper cabs, or Space Cabs, depending on operator needs.

Suspension and Chassis

The suspension and chassis are designed for robustness and durability, reducing vibrations and improving stability during driving.

Safety Systems

The DAF 825 may be equipped with advanced safety systems such as Anti-lock Braking System (ABS), Electronic Stability Program (ESP), and advanced driver assistance systems.

Electronics and Connectivity

The truck may feature advanced electronic systems for engine management, performance monitoring, and connectivity to facilitate communication between the vehicle and fleet management.


To comply with environmental regulations, the DAF 825 may be equipped with emissions reduction systems, such as a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) and Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) system.