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DEUTZ BF4M 1013 FC - Distribution Gears

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DEUTZ BF4M 1013 FC Engine

The DEUTZ BF4M 1013 FC engine is part of the 1013 series produced by DEUTZ AG, a German manufacturer of diesel engines. Below are some general details about the DEUTZ BF4M 1013 FC engine:

Cylinder Configuration:

The "BF4M" indicates that the engine has four inline cylinders. This configuration is common in small to medium-sized diesel engines.


The specific displacement can vary depending on the model specifications. The "1013" in the model designation suggests a displacement of approximately 4.8 liters.

Engine Type:

It is a four-stroke diesel engine. These engines complete a power cycle in four piston strokes: intake, compression, power, and exhaust.


DEUTZ 1013 series engines, including the BF4M 1013 FC, are used in various applications, including industrial machinery, construction equipment, and other specialized applications.


The engine is typically water-cooled.


The power output of the engine can vary based on the model specification and its application. This information is available in the engine's technical specifications.

Advanced Technologies:

The "FC" designation may indicate specific features or technologies tailored for certain applications. Details can be found in the engine's technical documentation.