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MAN E2876 - Nozzle

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Information about MAN E2876 Engine

Engine Architecture

The MAN E2876 belongs to the MAN engine family and has a four-stroke architecture.


The exact displacement can vary between models, typically falling within a specific range.

Cylinder Configuration

The E2876 series can have different cylinder configurations, such as six or eight cylinders, depending on the model.

Fuel Injection

It typically uses a common rail injection system for greater precision in fuel delivery.


It is equipped with a turbocharger to increase combustion efficiency.


It has a cooling system to maintain engine temperatures under control during operation.

Electronic Control

Managed by an advanced electronic control system that adjusts various engine parameters to optimize performance.


Equipped with emission reduction systems to comply with environmental standards, such as a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) and Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) system.